ugandan women to benefit from 10bn dollor project for Grac Machel from south africa

BY: Samuel kirimunda

In a bid to recover from covid19 pandemic which hit the businesses mostly in Africa including Uganda many women suffer losses in their businesses across africa like in Uganda, south africa among others.

in Stake holders engagement meeting which involved many organizations ie. KACITA , AWAAN etc have come up with different ideas for the project to help women to recover from covid 19 through seeking donors from the world.

In Uganda 95% were affected by covid 19 pandemic which also led to the collapse of businesses.

While speaking to Director programs at GRAC MACHEL -SHIPHRA CHISHA a donor in collaboration with News faces New voices and other stake holders reveals that they are working with African union to support 10 million women with over 10 bn dollars which will come from 30 countries in Africa.

Women have been favored most in business recovery due to pandemic where many projects are being implemented like GROW project where $217 million where injected for the women to borrow with small interest rates, however over 60,000 female owned enterprises including 3,000 refugee owned business to benefit and 1.6 million indirect beneficiaries including family members, committee suppliers among others will also benefit from this billion-dollar project.

The project for women youth financially economic inclusion project also came in uganda through GRAC MACHEL TRUST with an intention to help women to start small businesses.The iniative helped women to benefit from it in the past 3 years after implemented in 11 countries.

A number of partners have participated in the implementation of the project activities; and since the project is coming to its completion, NFNV together with other GMT Networks on Wednesday 22 may 2024 at Golf course hotel in kampala, a consultative workshop was conducted in order to interact with these key stakeholders / partners and forge a sustainable way forward.

The objectives of the workshop were ;

 To update participants on what has transpired during the project implementation process, achievements, challenges and propose a way forward.

 To maximize impact of the project through collaborative efforts

 To share knowledge and create allies for advocacy with unified messages

 To leverage on partners’ networks in order to expand the outreach,

 To enrich and grow the WLIFE community of practice (COP),

 Take stock of the key project advocacy achievements and partnerships


 To establish a foundation for sustained impact beyond the project’s conclusion.

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