Museveni sends Two Bills Back to parliament for re-examining.

The Higher Education Students Financing (Amendment) Bill, 2024 and the National Commission for UNESCO (Amendment) Bill, 2024 have been returned to Parliament by President Museveni for further consideration.

Museveni claimed in a letter read by the Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa, during the House meeting yesterday that the National Commission for UNESCO Bill creates a department rather than a unit, which is against public service practice where a ministry refers to a set of formal arrangements including the structures established administratively with Cabinet approval.

“Section (4) of the amendment act provides that on the commencement of this act shall be re-established as the department in the Ministry responsible for Education without corporate status, “ the President states in his letter adding that, ’the implication therefore, would be that instead UNATCOM is established as a legal entity but without corporate status’.

The President went on to say that the amendment act keeps using the term “commission” in its lengthy title, claiming that this could lead to legal ambiguity. He demanded that the two get back together in order to maintain consistency and prevent deception.

Museveni demanded that the title of the Uganda Higher Education Student’s Financing (Amendment) Act, 2024 be reexamined.

President Museveni claims that the title is not the same as what is specified in Higher Education Standards (Amendment) Act Section 5.

Tayebwa sent the Bills for reconsideration to the Committee on Education and Sports.

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