New village agriculture model launched in Busoga to boost economy

In the Busoga sub-region, a fresh agricultural project aimed at rescuing people from poverty has been introduced.

A collaborative effort between the Busoga Consortium and the Liaoning province of China, the Village Agriculture Model (VAM) aims to integrate the people into the formal economy and supplement the government’s Parish Development Model (PDM).

Prior to being extended to all eleven of Busoga’s districts, the initiative is currently being tested in Mashaga Village, Mayuge District. Its main objective is to promote widespread economic transformation by using agriculture to strengthen local communities.

Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, the Minister for East African Affairs and First Deputy Prime Minister, oversaw the Mayuge launch. She stressed the need of protecting land and urged locals to withstand the urge to sell off their property in order to make quick money.

Kadaga revealed that Liaoning province is dedicated to buying sorghum, simsim, casava, and other products for processing in China, while assuring farmers of ready markets for their produce.

Hajat Rukia Isanga Nakadama, a woman MP for Mayuge and the third deputy prime minister, highlighted the viability of the initiative by sharing her observations during a benchmarking trip to China. She urged the locals to support the VAM effort wholeheartedly.

The Mayuge district chairperson, Bishop Frank Tibagendeka, praised the initiative and said it may bring Busoga back to its previous splendor. He promised the effort the full backing of the district.

The VAM is anticipated to boost the nation’s overall agricultural development and provide the inhabitants of Busoga with substantial economic opportunities.

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