Two individuals arrested in Masindi for extorting money from PDM beneficiaries.

Due to allegations that they were extorting money from Parish Development Model (PDM) recipients, two people have been placed under custody.

John Ayesiga, the chairperson of the Tukole Hamu PDM Group in Muramura Village, and Edward Irumba, the LC1 Chairperson for Muramura Village in Kitamba parish in Bwijanga sub-county, have been identified as the suspects who were taken into custody on Tuesday.

They are charged with coercing each local PDM beneficiary into paying them 200,000 Shillings.

Sayuni Birungi, claims that since March of this year, the two have been obtaining money from those who want to gain from PDM. She further states that the circumstances forced them to report the issue to the Resident District Commissioner’s office, or RDC Masindi.

According to Emmy Ngabirano, Masindi’s Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC), the two officials have been the subject of multiple complaints.

In Kibuku District, President Museveni introduced the Parish Development Model (PDM) in February 2022. It is envisaged that the intervention will combat Ugandan unemployment and encourage the creation of jobs.

Financial inclusion, infrastructure and economic services, parish-based management information systems, social services, community mobilization, attitude shift, governance, and administration are among the PDM pillars. Agricultural value chain development is another.

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