Formal censure procedure of parliamentary commissioners to begin today

The movers and seconders of the motion to censure the four commissioners of Parliament are about to advance in their pursuit of accountability.

The formal censure procedure will begin this Monday at 2:00 PM when a group of MPs led by Ssekikubo, Sarah Opendi, and Odria Arion will send a notice to Adolf Mwesige, the Clerk to Parliament.

The MPs accused the commissioners of unlawfully dividing a 1.7 billion shilling service reward, and they were successful in gathering enough signatures to submit their resolution. The MPs contend that there was flagrant misconduct and a betrayal of the public trust in this action.

The censure motion has gathered steam as other MPs have voiced their support for it.

The MPs are initiating a procedure that may ultimately result in the commissioners’ removal from office

The action is regarded as a major step in the direction of encouraging accountability and openness in Parliament.

All eyes will be on the Speaker, who must take action on the notice, and the Clerk to Parliament, who will receive it. The commissioners, Parliament, and the nation at large will all be greatly impacted by the process’s conclusion.

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