Government salaries to be paid next week, announces Minister Musasizi

Henry Musasizi, the state minister of finance in charge of general duties, announced that the government will pay the civil servants unpaid salaries next week. While observing the development of the Kyokyezo-Butambi road construction, Musasizi, who also serves as the legislator for Rubanda East, made the comments to the people of Kyokyezo parish in Nyamweru Sub-County,…

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New village agriculture model launched in Busoga to boost economy

In the Busoga sub-region, a fresh agricultural project aimed at rescuing people from poverty has been introduced. A collaborative effort between the Busoga Consortium and the Liaoning province of China, the Village Agriculture Model (VAM) aims to integrate the people into the formal economy and supplement the government’s Parish Development Model (PDM). Prior to being extended…

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