Samsung launches Galaxy Ring that can monitor heart rate, sleep patterns, and menstrual cycle

Samsung hopes to entice consumers who enjoy fitness and health tracking technologies with the Galaxy Ring, its newest wearable. The gadget was unveiled on Wednesday at Samsung’s Unpacked event as the newest member of its ecosystem of gadgets that it claims to be “supercharging” with artificial intelligence (AI). According to Ben Wood, an analyst at…

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Kenya urges Uganda to clarify on the additional imported oil cargo

Kenya did not impose a bond premium on Uganda’s oil cargo that docked at the Port of Mombasa early this month as claimed by Uganda’s Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ruth Nakabirwa. The minister made the accusation that Kenya’s Energy Cabinet Secretary, Davis Chirchir, had written to the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) requesting an increase…

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BoU to purchase locally-produced gold to support foreign reserves

The central bank of Uganda announced that it is in talks to start buying gold that is locally produced in order to increase its foreign reserves and address issues with global financial markets. The domestic gold purchase program intends to mitigate the diminishing foreign currency reserves and handle the related risks in the international financial markets, according…

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